Can an Introvert Become an Extrovert?

Can an Introvert Become an Extrovert?

4 mins read

As an introvert, you may ask: “Can an introvert be an extrovert?”. These days, society rewards and favors extroverted behavior. Going out for drinks after work can help you get to know your colleagues. Being vocal and outgoing is a positive sign of good communication that helps you become visible among the people you’re with.

The fact is, no one is neither a full extrovert nor a full introvert. Each person has a degree of each trait and they can change based on the occasion or situation they are in. People are usually born with a dominant personality which makes them feel more comfortable and at ease.

Being an introvert, you would prefer to spend more time in your own world in calm and controlled environments. As an extrovert, social situations and external stimulation energizes you. There are major differences in introversion and extroversion which makes each individual unique.

We have gathered few volunteer’s opinion if they think introverts can be extroverts:

“I am working in a very technical role now. I really like my job because I get to work alone most of the time. My colleagues know my nature so they don’t usually ask me out after work and they know I am not offended. I do feel drained easily when I need to speak to a crowd of people I’m not familiar with. I guess I’m quite lucky that my job and lifestyle does not require me to be more extroverted. However, if I absolutely have to be extroverted, I think it is possible for a short while. ” – Jack

“By nature I am an introvert but I work in the human resources department, so I need to face people frequently. Don’t think I can be an extrovert but I know as introverts we can be more approachable and more sociable if we try.” -Rosita


“I am an extrovert but my partner is an introvert. I have observed him all these while as he socializes and I think he can be extroverted if he is with his close group of friends. He becomes loud and outgoing around his siblings too. He doesn’t like to mingle with new people too much and prefers to stay home rather than going to work gatherings. I guess you can’t change who a person is and I definitely don’t want to!” -Lynn

“Sometimes I wish I was born an extrovert because I feel a little misunderstood by my friends. I get jealous when I feel that my friends connect better with each other. My friends always come to me when they have personal issues or for private conversations. I think being an introvert has many benefits

Is Being an Introvert or Extrovert Better?

Both personality traits come with their pros and cons. Introverts feel stressed out in social settings but thrive when one they have to solve an analytical problem. They are very capable of being attentive, thoughtful and compassionate towards people around them. On the other hand, extroverts may be a bit of a scatterbrain but they will host really fun parties that bring lots of excitement to people around them. Extroverts can connect with people easily to create a comfortable environment for others to express themselves.

Having a certain degree of both traits will make a well-rounded person. Being a full extrovert or full introvert will bring you more harm than good. Our brain functions differently when we do things that are associated with introversion versus extroversion. So it really isn’t a matter of which personality trait is better, but how and when you should lean towards each personality trait.

It is not necessary for any of us to change who we truly are. However, some occasions do call for adaptation on our part. Most adults will bring a different side of themselves in different situations in life. You’ll have a personality with your family, another for your friends and one for work. As working adults, the career you choose can determine if you need to bring out more of your introvert or extrovert side.


How Can an Introvert Become an Extrovert?

You must know that there is no need for you to force yourself to be an extrovert if you are more introverted. Nonetheless, here are 3 easy steps you can take if you want to seem more extroverted as you mingle in your office Christmas party.

1. Take baby steps out of your comfort zone

Don’t start with approaching a group you’ve never met, try making small talk with your acquaintances. You can even start by accepting invitations to social gatherings that you are not too uncomfortable with.

2. Practice Making Small Talk And Hold Conversations

You may think small talk is meaningless and unnecessary but it warms everyone up for further conversation. If you want to learn to hold a conversation, you’ll need to pay attention to what people say and try to ask open-ended questions to get them to speak more. Then when you reply you can tell them your opinion on the matter and both of you can bounce ideas off each other. It takes a while to get used to the flow so practice it often.

3. Give Yourself Short Breaks in Between Socializing

Be gentle with yourself. When you start to feel tired or overwhelmed, excuse yourself from your company and go somewhere private to catch your breath. Have a trusted friend to help you get away from the crowd.

4. Invite People to Places You Are Comfortable With

Introverts prefer surroundings that are familiar. So if you are just starting to be more extroverted, instead of going to new places with acquaintances, you can start by inviting a small group of people to a cafe you like. As you get more comfortable with them, you can even invite them to your house and have a home cooked meal.


5. Have an Exit Plan

Plan your exit strategy ahead before you meet up with your new colleagues at a new bar. Inform someone you’re close to as your emergency contact if you want to leave early. You can come up with a story or if you’re bold enough, you can be honest and say that you’re exhausted so you rather head back. You may even find someone who wants to leave too but wasn’t brave enough to leave if you voice out.

So, Can Introvert Become Extrovert?

No, but for a short period of time they can and then they will definitely need to unwind when their ‘extrovert shift’ ends. They’ll order a box of pizza then change into comfortable PJs in their cozy little room with soft bossa nova in the background to recharge.

Known for her eccentric opinions, Angeline joined The Opinist to share her point of view on topics of interest. She is a generalist with a keen eye for detail. As a writer, she believes that the fears that we don't face become our limits.

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