Does Having Pets Reduce Stress?

Does Having Pets Reduce Stress?

4 mins read

Animals which are tame in nature had become human’s pets since a century ago. Specifically, dogs are known as a man’s best friend. Since the olden times even during the cave man century, you may come across comics or movies from the television about cavemen that go for hunting with their pet wolf. With social media these days, you can even see celebrities who owned tigers and dangerous snakes as their pets.

Lack of Love From Their Human Companion

No matter wild or tame animals, they chose to have pets in their life. Research and studies had shown that some people would opt to get a pet as their companion usually due to unfulfilled or missing love they cannot get from their human companion. Thus, there are cases where some people get a pet dog after a bad break-up for their recovery process.

People who had traumatic and abusive family members during their childhood may also grow up with missing love and opt for getting pets. There are companion animals who helped many of these victims as researched by the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information).

Depression and anxiety from a traumatic and bad human relationship cases, many managed to be cured after getting pets especially animals like dogs. Dogs are one of the special species which could feel a human emotion and naturally want to heal their human owners with genuine love and care.

Psychology Research of Human and Pets

Psychology Research of Human and Pets


According to the research from the National Library of Medicine: “research suggests that humans can form strong attachments to their pets, and at least some pets display attachment behaviors toward their human caretakers. In some cases, these bonds have been found to support or enhance the physical and emotional well-being of both species.”

“Human–animal interaction research suggests that humans often form strong attachments to their pets. In some cases, pet ownership has been associated with greater physical and emotional well-being in both adults and children. A growing number of studies point to possible therapeutic benefits of human–animal interactions. “

Pets That Cured Suicidal Victims

We spoke to a few ex-suicidal victims who used to have suicidal thoughts but was able to get through the dark phase of their life after owning a pet dog.

According to Emily, one of our survey participants who were willing to open up about her past depression experience.

“Many times, when I was driving, I felt like getting into a car accident! I wished I could end my life to run away from all the troubles and bad events that happened in my life. I had reached my limit of all the continuous bad events in my life.


One day, it crossed my mind, to distract my mind, I wanted to get a puppy to renew my life journey. I know having a dog is going to make me busy and also take my mind off from all the negative thoughts I had been dreaming of.

My puppy had saved my life. I might not be standing here talking to you if not for my pet dog.

I had learnt so much life lessons from my dog.

Sometimes, it takes a dog to teach us humans how to genuinely live your life. “

Pets Are Genuinely Empathetic to Their Owners

Do you know that a pet dog would follow entirely how the owner feels. They are naturally made to feel their owners’ emotions, catch them, and heal them if needed. For example, a dog usually knows when their owner is angry or moody and usually, they are smart enough to behave well during that moment.


As for during a downtime of their owner, they somehow know their owner needs some healing and would cuddle on their owner’s lap to provide as much love to their owner.

Many dogs and cat owners had mentioned and agreed how their pets knew it when they were sad. After getting some attention from their pets, they naturally felt better and thankful for having their pets as their chill pill.

There were also known cases, where some dogs were abused by their pet owners but still remained loyal and would never hurt their owner. Their genuine love is undeniable, and nothing to be compared to a human being.

Pets as a Stress Reliever

Having a pet not only shape your life to be mentally healthier as you will be occupied in the pet care journey with them.

Having a pet dog for example encourages you to be physically more active as you need to spend some play time with them, walking them out and it make you more active to move around. Getting some exercise with your dog in the park makes you naturally wanting to exercise which contributes in relieving your stress levels.


Besides, having aquatic pets like fishes at home is also another form of stress reliever. It is very calming and relaxing when you look into a beautifully decorated aquarium with beautiful fishes swimming inside it. The water sound from an aquarium and nature from this aquatic landscape would naturally calm our mind and relieve our stress level.

Archeologist Facts and Research About The Human-Dog Special Relationship

Archeologist Facts and Research About The Human-Dog Special Relationship

Since centuries ago, dogs are the known animals, described as the most loyal companion owned by the mankind. If you read about the discovery of the Aztec dog burials by the archeologists, it had been believed these dogs would even accompany their human care taker’s souls even in their afterlife.

According to the research, other sources also mentioned that these Aztecs dogs were also known as the most loyal protectors of towns, agriculture, and food since long ago.

In short, if you happen to meet someone who have love for animals, they are usually kindhearted souls who appreciates all living things. If you are someone with high level of stress, you may opt to have some trial session of owning a pet from a relative or friend house on a weekly basis. Before owning once yourself, try spending time with one before committing into one. It is a whole new responsibility to own a pet. No doubt they will be your daily stress-reliever but be sure to love them with all your heart when deciding to get one.


Started of her career with Audit in the Big four Audit firm, and currently focusing in Planning and Reporting. After she became a part-time freelance writer in 2021, her work has been published on websites such as Life Hack Solution.

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