how to be single and happy in your 30s

The Art to be Single and Happy in Your 30s

“Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.” ~John Allen Paulos

3 mins read

Whether you’ve just gone through a break up and are newly single, or are just feeling frustrated by the fact that you’re still single, flying solo doesn’t have to equal unhappiness.

Check out these tips to shift this chapter of single-hood into being one of the happiest times of your life:

1. Focus on Improving Your Weakness

Every human certainly have strengths and weaknesses. While strengths must still be trained and improved, weaknesses must be pursued as possible so that weaknesses can turn into strengths. It’s just a matter of how you admit and do something with that weaknesses.

By living alone without a partner, you will have more free time to do other thing. You can use this free time for self-introspection. If there are weaknesses, think of what should be done to eliminate these weaknesses. This is the moment you have to do when you are alone and there is more time. By turning your weaknesses into strengths, you will become a new and different individual.

2. Practice Loving Yourself

Don’t have someone to love? Are you sure about that statement? If you don’t have a partner, that doesn’t mean there aren’t people you can’t love. You can love yourself. The term that is often used or popular is self-love or self-love. You can give yourself a lot of love. You can appreciate everything you have done. Taking care of yourself is also a form of self-love.


3. Make Time For Family

There is no reason to be sad about being single because there are people who still care about us. An example is family. A normal family will certainly care about their family members. They will not leave any family members sad.

Instead of thinking about why you are still single, take advantage of this time to spend it with your family. You can do simple things such as eating together or gathering in the family room and talking. Make your own family happy as long as they live instead of regretting it later.

4. Trying New Things

As long as you are single, this is a golden opportunity to try new things. Besides being able to be an exercise, who knows, you might even find something new that can be your favorite. It can also give you new abilities that might be useful in the future.

5. Make a Plan

Not all things have to be done with a partner. In fact, there are many things that can be done alone with no less excitement and freedom. What you need to do is to make a plan about what you want to do. For instance, do you want to go shopping, exercise, travel or vacation abroad?

You just need to make a careful plan to make your activities can be carried out smoothly. You can either invite friends or family, you just have to match the schedule that suits you. If you need time off from work, just take the time off.


6. Focus on Work

Sometimes having 24 hours in a day is not enough. Especially for those who are super busy. Time should be divided for family, me time, hobbies, and work. Instead of being left empty and do nothing, why not use it to do something useful?

For example; work. You can focus on pursuing your dream career. Just focus and enjoy your career journey, maybe later you can meet your soul mate later.

7. Gathering With Friends

Actually, even though you don’t have a partner, that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun. Besides being able to have fun yourself, why not invite friends to join in the fun? It’s better to spend time with close friends. Do fun activities together.

Call one by one the friends you have and plan to do something. It can be sightseeing, shopping, vacation together, or other things that are no less exciting. In addition to having fun together, friends can also be an encouragement when we are sad. So it’s not only your partner who can cheer you up, but friends too.

8. Single Means Safer Financials

Having a romantic relationship with a lover not only takes time but also money. Dating, eating, drinking, traveling, giving gifts, even buying internet quota to chat with him also cost money. By not having a partner, of course there are no expenses. Use this opportunity to raise money to face whatever in the future may cost money.


9. Take Some Time Off From Social Media

Social media can bring benefits as well as the negative effects. The positive benefits can make us connect with those who are far away, but on the other hand it can also make us jealous. Especially if when we are alone, we see quotes about love and photos of our friends and their loved ones.

In order not to be influenced by posts from friends about how romantic their relationship is, it’s better to get rid of social media. If there is no important business, it is better to do a social media detox or take a hiatus from social media. Except for those whose work is related to social media, it will be difficult to shut themselves off from social media. But it can be tricked by not needing to see people’s posts.

10. Buy Something That Can Make You Happy

Being single doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy life. There are many things that can be done to make you happy and you should do it. When we’re sad, we don’t have anyone else to cheer for us, so we have to cheer ourselves up.

For example, shop for things that really make you happy. Of course, there must still be self-control so it won’t lead to the shopaholic habit.

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