important nutrients for hair

10 Best Important Nutrients For Hair Growth

3 mins read

Everyone wants to have healthy and strong hair, but sometimes the habits that you done on the contrary actually damage the hair. Using hair ties that are too strong, being exposed to the sun continuously, sleeping with wet hair, and poor diet are habits that can make your hair weak. Besides having to change bad habits that can damage your hair, you must meet the nutritional needs of your hair. So, what are the nutrients that important and good for hair?

1. Milk

Milk has a variety of tastes, delicious, and sweet. Except those who have lactose problems certainly do not like to consume milk. But it doesn’t matter because there are dairy products that are possible to eat.

Why is milk and dairy products important? This is because they are foods that can provide benefits for hair. Milk and dairy products contain protein, vitamin D, and calcium. These nutrients are needed by the hair in order to grow properly. Milk, chocolate, yogurt and cheese, you can choose which one you want.

2. Eggs

Eggs can provide very many benefits for the health of the body. What many people know, eggs are one of the foods that contain protein. If you can’t get protein from meat, you can switch to eggs.

In addition to protein, eggs also contain a nutrient called biotin. Both protein and biotin are essential nutrients needed for hair. Hair growth really needs protein. Lack of protein can actually make hair fall out easily. Biotin is needed as it can produce a hair protein called keratin.


3. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potato can be a substitute for rice. It contain beta-carotene which is beneficial for the body. The body can turn it into vitamin A.

And just so you know, vitamin A is a nutritional element that is important for healthy hair. About 114 grams of sweet potato contains enough beta-carotene as much as 160% of the daily requirement of vitamin A.

4. Nuts

Common nuts we find include peanuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, pine, walnuts, cashews, and almond. All these types of nuts turn out to contain the nutrients needed for hair to grow healthily.

About 28 grams of almonds can provide 48% of the body’s need for vitamin E. Not to mention the addition of other nutrients such as B vitamins, zinc, and fat. Those who are not sufficient for these nutrients are at risk of experiencing hair loss. The more you let it go, then don’t be surprised if you are still young but are already experiencing baldness.

5. Fish Fat

Do you like to eat fish? If so, then you most likely have a healthy and strong hair! Salmon, herring, mackerel, and tuna are some of the fish that are widely consumed by people. The meat is delicious and very easy to process.


The fish mentioned earlier contain omega-3 fats which are good for hair. Several studies have even proven that fish fat is good for hair growth. One such study involved 120 women who took supplements containing omega-3 and omega-6. As a result, the problem of hair loss is reduced.

6. Oysters

For the record, oysters and clams are different. Clams have a stronger, saltier taste than oysters. Oysters can be eaten raw because they have a distinctive taste.

Oysters are very rich in zinc. One medium-sized oyster can provide 96% of the daily requirement for zinc. Zinc can help hair growth and repair damaged hair cells. But you also need to be careful because too much zinc is also dangerous. That’s why people choose zinc supplements because the dosage is clearly stated.

7. Cinnamon

Indonesia was colonized by the Dutch for quite a long time because Indonesia is a country rich in spices. Speaking of spices, there are many kinds of spices. Turmeric, nutmeg, sesame, cloves, ginger, fennel seeds, and cinnamon are just a few spices found in Indonesia.

Mention cinnamon or its popular name is cinnamon, this one spice must be in your food. If you don’t want to have hair problems at a young age, cinnamon can help prevent them. Cinnamon can improve blood circulation so that it can transport oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles. You can apply cinnamon to oatmeal, bread, and coffee.


8. Meat

To get protein, you can look for it in meat. Chicken, beef, or goat, contains a fairly high protein. Usually, those who are on a diet to lose weight or gain muscle mass need meat the most. But, that’s not the only benefit of eating meat.

Protein is not only good for muscles, protein can also help maintain healthy hair. The protein contained in meat can help repair and strengthen hair follicles. If you are afraid of cholesterol and fat, you can aim for lean meats. For chicken, you can choose the breast, for beef, you can choose the sirloin.

9. Spinach

Green vegetables are needed to keep digestion healthy. There are many kinds of vegetables themselves, if you are targeting vegetables that can make your hair strong and healthy, then you can try consuming spinach.

Spinach contains folate, iron, vitamins A and C. All of these nutrients are essential nutrients for hair. Lack of vitamin A can make hair fall out easily. Iron is good for hair growth. About 30 grams of spinach can provide 20% of the need for vitamin A in a day.

10. Avocado

Please note that not all fat is bad. There are also healthy fats that are needed by the body. For example fat from avocado or avocado.


Avocado is perfect for those of you who want to lose weight. But besides that, avocado is also good for hair. It is vitamin E contained in avocado that can help hair growth. Vitamin E can also function as an antioxidant that can prevent stress and neutralize free radicals.

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