modern day slavery

Modern Day Slavery: Ending The Cycle of Work, Eat, Sleep, Repeat

5 mins read

Since schooling days, we are trained and shaped to be a worker of a company, but never an owner of a business or company. Our education system had shaped 95% of the world to be 9-5 workers. Many of us do not realize this until only minority with business mindset realized this, a modern day slavery.

Those who realized this at a younger age usually have an entrepreneur mindset and would dream of owning their own business in the future. With that, entrepreneurs are born but not high in number as compared to typical 9-5 employees.

Reasons Why People Get Stuck in Their Modern-day Slavery Jobs

High Commitments

People who cannot escape their 9-5 jobs have fixed commitments like house installments, car installments, bank loans and many more. Many people are caught in credit card debts and bank loans from high value purchasing.

They got themselves trapped in a never-ending cycle after committing to loans to buy huge essentials like housing and cars.


We have 2 types of friends with different working mindsets. Those with business mindset are more open to potential opportunities outside the typical 9-5 jobs. They are risk takers, where else, most of us are risk averse.


Most of us are made to have a worker mindset due to stability and security provided by a big company. Staying in the comfort zone is happening to most of us. Stepping out into high risks and high returns by being a potential business owner is feared by many of us.


Being consistency and persevere through out the journey as an entrepreneur is a difficult attitude to have. Those who were able to start the first step usually have problems in putting in continuous effort and many tend to give up in between the journey.

It is never easy at the beginning, but it will be much easier after going through the toughest stage. Nothing good comes easy. Those people who start their business and give up in the middle do not have futuristic thinking and often fall into the losing hope mindset. This is where the difference come between the successful entrepreneur and those who failed.

Environment Influence

Choosing your circle of friends could influence your idea of how a successful career would be. For a typical 9-5 job worker, they would think getting a manager position is successful enough. If your circle of friends are all loyal and fixed mindset office workers, you would not be able to think outside the box on the potential opportunities outside.

As for entrepreneurs, getting that manager position is modern day slavery. As long as you are working under a company and not getting any ownership with less flexibility.


Staying for Temporary Happiness

Typical office workers usually look forward to weekends without realizing that the weekends they have are just a temporary escape from reality. It shows how much they despise their work in the office.

It never crosses their mind about the possibility to turn their daily work to a dream job. They get happy for a small increment and promotion from their boss. After a year, they had forgotten about it and the cycle of suffering repeats.

Many of these actions of looking forward for the weekends and getting a small salary increment is just a temporary happiness. It does not solve the root cause of why you hate your 9-5 jobs so much.

Fear of Failure

Many people have no courage to take risks and prefer to stay in their comfort zone. As we age, it becomes more reluctant for us to step outside the comfort zone.

The fear of failure and being unable to imagine handling the consequences of disappointments. This had caused many of us to stop ourselves to take a leap into the unknown possibilities. A change of decision in our career path could determine so much of happiness or failure in the long term in our lives.


Reasons You Should The Cycle

Sense of Ownership

Being an entrepreneur gives you a sense of ownership to what you are working for. You are not working for a boss above you where you got to depend on them. You do not need to care if the boss is in a bad mood or being nasty if you are the boss yourself.

Working hard to shape and grow your own company give you the sense of ownership in work because this business belongs to you. It is like having a baby and taking care of its growth. Eventually you want your creation to be successful. You will feel happier to work for yourself instead of working under other people.


When owning your own business, the most enjoyable perks is the flexibility of time. You do not need to follow a scheduled time to start and end your work. You do not need to stick in the morning traffic jam to follow the fixed office hours. In this way, with enough rest and sleep, you can have more energy and time to focus on your own business.

Next, you can also have the flexibility to take holidays whenever you want. You do not need to apply annual leave from your boss and rely on them. With this, you also have more family time especially when needed during emergency you can attend to your family needs. It is how you manage your time between your work and family, do not need to be dependent on a boss in another company.

In terms of decision making for work, as an entrepreneur you can make decisions easily on your own without too much waste of time approval process. As long as you have a qualified and competent team to work with you, a smaller crowd enables you to focus on what matters most for the benefit of your own business.


Achieve Bigger Goals

What if I told you, everyone had an equal chance to turn their faith from a poor income employee to a successful business owner with just a change of mindset and good self-discipline. In life, we need to always have a goal and a dream to achieve. Most importantly how we put action into the beautiful plan in our mind.

Turning your dreams into reality is an ultimate goal for everyone in life. Being stuck in a 9-5 job you hate will not bring you to achieve your biggest financial goal.

Looking at how flat most of the hierarchy in an organization is, it is impossible for employees in a company to be promoted or having huge salary increment every year. With that said, most employees would be stuck at a lower income range and only a very rare percentage or directors and partners could achieve a high-income earner pay.

Early Financial Freedom

If you are someone who wants to achieve early financial freedom, being an entrepreneur is one path to this goal. With the high costs of living, but not having increments in our salary in our 9-5 jobs, we will always be stuck in a repeated cycle where our costs will slowly exceed our expense.

Owning a business opens up many potential opportunities and possibilities of making more money locally and even nationwide. The power of owning a business expands to many prospects as compared to being stuck in a employee working in a big company.


Our true potential is not revealed if we are under a management. The day we manage to be an independent business owner, as an entrepreneur will be the day, we achieve true financial freedom.

Final Remarks

In the end, it is up to us to decide on how we want our career to be like. We choose our path and decide on our own. Being caught in the modern-day slavery is definitely something many of us fear to be in. However, many of us do not even have this realization of this life trap.

Started of her career with Audit in the Big four Audit firm, and currently focusing in Planning and Reporting. After she became a part-time freelance writer in 2021, her work has been published on websites such as Life Hack Solution.

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