If you are a horror show lovers, you must be familiar with some of the concepts that exist in horror films. We can say that almost every horror movie will have these cliché in common.
Some people claim that they are very, very bored with this clichés. So, what kind of clichés are often used in horror films? Check out below:
1. Always Choose The Danger Way Instead of Safe Way
We know that humans can sometimes be annoying and stubborn when get advised. Perhaps this human nature then became the idea for the screenwriter to create a scene where there are groups of people who don’t care about people’s advice and prefer a dangerous path.
It can still make sense if the actors do small stupid things, but if it is clear where there is a choice where there is a busy and lonely road, the chosen one is a lonely road. And we as viewers already know that something bad will happen if we take that lonely road.
2. Choose to Split Up When There’s Psychotic After Them

It’s safest to know you’re in danger and stay in the same group. That was the initial plan of a group or groups in every horror film. But for some reason, the plan was destroyed with the members who began to decide “it was better to split up”.
The idea of splitting up was done with the aim of being able to seek help. However, one by one, people were killed or terrorized by a frightening figure. Either a ghost or a killer. You are certainly aware of the number of films that adopt this scattering scene. And immediately you will be smiling to yourself and have started to be able to guess what will happen next.
3. The Killer’s “Ability” to Make The Disturb The Signal
In real life, a cellphone that suddenly loses signal is a big disaster. Even in horror films, having a hard signal is the same as bad luck because when you are chased by a ghost or a killer, you cannot ask for help from other people.
If you often watch horror films, there will always be incidents where the victim is being chased by a ghost or killer but can’t contact the police because the cellphone has no signal. Make us wonder whether actually the ghost or killer has the ability to disturb the signal?
Each time the situation is urgent, you will notice that their phone are no different with piece of junk.
4. Always Fall Down When Getting Chased by The Killer
Falling while running too fast is very possible. But is it possible that in every horror film, the character who is running after being chased by a ghost or killer, always falls for a ridiculous reason. And due to this fall , the character is finally get caught and killed.
Almost all of the horror show have scenes where they fall to the floor. Worse yet, after falling, it was as if they lose the strength to run out and he could no longer stand up. Coupled with the brilliant idea where they will tell their friends to leave to sacrifice themselves.
5. Villain Always Seems to be Weaken at The End
One of the things that is common in horror films is where the villains are very inconsistent in terms of strength. Always at the beginning of the story, a ghost or killer is depicted as a terrible person who seems difficult to catch or defeat.
Over the time, the figure of this villain seemed to get weaken for no apparent reason. If it’s a ghost, this ghost can be defeated with a simple thing. If it’s a killer, suddenly the killer does something stupid that makes his identity known and then defeated in an anti-climax way. The inconsistency of this villain’s strength often makes the audience disappointed.
6. The Basement is a “Must Go” Place in Horror Show
Believe me, there is no safe basement when you know there is serial killer or ghost nearby. Although, the common thing will happen is: the character in the horror movie always choose to go basement at the end. Either of their curiosity of checking something, or just go there for no reason.
The Conjuring, Don’t Breathe, and Silence of the Lambs, are the example scenes. When you watch the next horror show, don’t get annoyed if the character choose to go basement instead of go for outdoor area which is safer.
7. Car Broken Down During Important Moment
With so many horror films out there, we know more or less what kind of the storyline is like. Where the shocking scene is, which character will die, and so on. For example, do you notice that the car always broken down during the important moment?
Many horror films, where the scene is gripping or the beginning of terror starts from a damaged vehicle. When the main actor’s car breaks down and asks a stranger for help, it turns out that the stranger is a cold-blooded killer. Where when you want to run away from the killer, the car is difficult to start or completely broken down. Whereas previously, the vehicle was in prime condition, it could suddenly be damaged.
8. Stereotypical Character
If you notice, almost all the horror movie have the stereotypical template character type in common. And you can already guess what the fate of these people is like.
For example, the annoying character always die at the beginning of the story. Leaving the ordinary people to face the terrors they face. Modern horror films usually use such a character format.
9. Black Man Dies First
Racism is nothing new in the world, even in Hollywood. It can be seen from how many black actors have won fewer Oscars than white actors. That’s what had made some black actors annoyed with the film industry in Hollywood. Not only in awards, in films too.
Almost in every scary film that includes black actors, most likely, the black actors will be the first to die. It’s clichés like this that make the course of a film predictable. There are only a few films that want to keep black actors alive until the horror story is revealed.
Do you have more cliché that every horror movie have in common? Let us know in the comment section!