what is bandwagon effect

Bandwagon Effect: Why People Tend to Follow The Trend

2 mins read

Do you always feel like buying something that is trending? Or do you want to follow the celebrity style that is on the hype? This phenomenon is known as the bandwagon effect. Although it is generally harmless, this behavior can have a bad impact on your life.

What is Bandwagon Effect?

Bandwagon effect is a term to describe a phenomenon where a person tends to follow a trend, ranging from lifestyle, behavior, way of dressing, way of speaking, or content on social media.

In other words, bandwagon effect is a term for people who like to follow trends.

In the world of psychology, the bandwagon effect is included in cognitive bias, which is a condition when thinking is influenced by something that many people often do. This can sometimes trigger errors in thinking and making decisions.

Examples of bandwagon effect behavior are following the diet patterns that are being followed by celebrities, following the dress models of influencers, or creating social media content that is currently being discussed.


Causes of the Bandwagon Effect

There are several factors that can make someone behave in a bandwagon:

1. Group Thinking

A person’s behavior can be formed from his/her environment. The existence of norms or pressures given by the people around them can trigger a person to be entangled in the bandwagon effect.

So, when a person does not behave or style according to his environment, it can make it difficult for them to socialize. Because of this pressure, they are forced to adapt around it.

In addition, the trend carried out by many people can also make someone become “talk less” and want to join in. For example, the trend of creating prank content that is currently in demand on social media, makes other people join in producing and uploading similar content for the sake of popularity.

2. Desire to be Accepted in a Group

Feelings of wanting to be accepted or recognized in a group can be one of the causes of the bandwagon effect. For example, the people in the group own clothes with a certain brand. This can allow you to also buy similar clothing brands so that you can fit in and be accepted into the group.


3. Fear of Being Ostracized

There are still some people who look weird and ostracize (bully) people who don’t follow the trend. Well, sometimes, someone does the bandwagon effect so as not to receive unpleasant treatment or so as not to be ostracized.

Understanding The Impact of Bandwagon Effect

At first glance, there’s nothing wrong with joining in, right? It has also become common for humans to imitate a trend, whether intentionally or not. However, the bandwagon effect can be a disadvantage if you are not selective in choosing which trend to follow.

An example of a trend that is not worth emulating is a challenge that can hurt and endanger oneself just to get a large number of viewers. The trend of revealing personal data on social media is also not worth emulating, because it can provoke criminal acts, also known as social engineering.

Another example is that you are in a group that believes there is no need for a COVID-19 vaccination. So, so as not to be seen as different, you also refuse to get vaccinated. In fact, undergoing the COVID-19 vaccine is important to protect yourself from infection with this virus.

Turn it to The Positive Way

But, on the other hand, the bandwagon effect can also have a positive impact. For example, if you are in an environment of friends who like to exercise. This can encourage you to do regular exercise. Of course, this can be good for your health.


The bandwagon effect can be good or bad, depending on how you react to it and what kind of environment you are in.

Remember, don’t let your identity be lost and neglect your safety just because you want to exist and feel accepted. Do something positive so that it can be good for you.

If you still have questions about the bandwagon effect or find it difficult to control your follow-up behavior, try consulting a psychologist or psychiatrist to get the right solution to your problem.

As a senior editor at The Opinist, I report on the innovation and edit coverage in business section. I served as the deputy business editor, overseeing the business coverage at theopinist.com and working closely with the channel's contributing writers in digging up stories, developing angles and delivering strong analysis.

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