In a world that thrives on technological innovation, it’s easy to overlook the more subtle ways our devices shape our lives. We know that our phones track our movements, store our search…
The intricacies of human relationships have long fascinated psychologists and researchers alike. One common phenomenon that has captured the attention of many is the curious attraction some women exhibit towards men who are already in relationships. The “taken” status of a man often seems to enhance his desirability, leaving us to wonder why this paradoxical attraction exists. We will delve into the psychological underpinnings of this phenomenon, exploring various theories and explanations that shed light on why women might be more attracted to men with girlfriends.
Attractiveness Boost
As per the findings of a recent study featured in Scientific Reports, men who are in relationships receive what researchers term an “attractiveness boost.” Consequently, they are perceived as more physically appealing than they would typically be. Interestingly, this phenomenon is acknowledged and valued by other women in the vicinity, as it seems akin to the man’s girlfriend bestowing her approval, effectively confirming his status as an attractive individual.
In this study, the researchers instructed female participants to evaluate images of men, men’s hands, and abstract art. Additionally, they informed the participants about how other women in the study had rated these images. The results revealed that when the women were made aware of how others had rated the pictures, they adjusted their own ratings to align with the collective opinion.
Lead researcher Dr. Kate Cross noted, “In our study, women exhibited a preference for men’s faces that had received high ratings from other women. However, a similar pattern emerged when assessing pictures of abstract artworks. This suggests that women tend to mimic the mate preferences of their peers, possibly due to the general human inclination to be influenced by the opinions of others.”
Why Are Men With Girlfriends More Attractive?
The researchers propose that this peculiar phenomenon may be attributed to “female mate choice copying.” This process involves women using the presence of a man’s partner as an indicator of his own desirability and quality.
Consider this scenario: Imagine you’re out with friends, and someone compliments your outfit, praising how fantastic and attractive you look. It’s only natural that their positive opinion will influence your perception, and you’ll start seeing those clothes as even more stylish and appealing than before.
Similarly, when it comes to the “attractiveness boost” resulting from having a girlfriend, it’s as if your partner is holding a bright neon sign that reads, “This man is irresistible and an excellent catch,” with an arrow pointed right at you. This visible sign of approval naturally catches the attention of other women, making them perceive you as alluring and highly datable.
The researchers refer to this phenomenon as “mate-choice copying.” When a man is chosen as a potential partner by someone, it signifies that he possesses exceptional qualities, higher in quality compared to other single men. This notion is quite logical when you think about it. Clearly, he possesses endearing traits that appealed to his girlfriend, prompting other women around to take notice and feel drawn to him as well.
Dr. Sally Street from Durham University, one of the joint authors, explained, “Social influence permeates various aspects of our lives, and this extends to partner choice. However, at present, there isn’t definitive experimental evidence supporting the existence of a specialized mate-choice copying mechanism in humans.”
The Urge for a “Challenge”
In the realm of psychology, humans are often drawn to challenges and the thrill of pursuit. When a man is already in a relationship, it inadvertently presents an obstacle to potential suitors, sparking a competitive instinct in some women. The idea of “winning” the affections of a man who appears to be already “taken” can trigger a sense of accomplishment, enhancing the woman’s self-esteem and self-worth.
Moreover, this challenge may be seen as a validation of their attractiveness and desirability. The thought that they are capable of drawing attention away from another woman and capturing the focus of a man who is already committed can be alluring. Consequently, some women may subconsciously seek out relationships with taken men as a means of boosting their self-confidence.
The Appeal of Emotional Availability
Another compelling theory that sheds light on this phenomenon is the allure of emotional availability. Men who are in committed relationships have demonstrated their ability to engage in a long-term partnership successfully. This demonstration of emotional maturity and commitment may make them appear more appealing to some women.
Furthermore, a man who is already in a relationship has likely shown that he possesses qualities deemed desirable in a partner, such as loyalty, dependability, and trustworthiness. The presence of these traits can make him seem more attractive compared to single men, who might be perceived as more uncertain in their intentions and commitment.
The “Preselected” Man
Psychologists often refer to the concept of “preselection” when studying human mate selection patterns. Preselection suggests that people tend to be attracted to individuals who are already in relationships because their existing partners have already vetted them as suitable partners.
When a woman sees a man who is happily committed to his girlfriend, she perceives him as someone who has already passed the test of being a good partner. Subconsciously, this can signal to her that he possesses positive qualities and can make a reliable companion, making him more appealing.
The “Forbidden Fruit” Effect
The age-old adage of the “forbidden fruit” may also contribute to the attraction some women feel towards men with girlfriends. Human psychology often finds allure in the things that are deemed off-limits or taboo. In the context of relationships, the knowledge that a man is in a committed partnership can add an element of excitement and danger.
The thrill of engaging in a potentially secretive affair or breaking societal norms can create an intoxicating allure. Additionally, the idea of being pursued by a man who is not fully available can also evoke feelings of being special or unique, enhancing the appeal of the forbidden relationship.
Emotional Connection and Intimacy
Women, like men, seek emotional connection and intimacy in their relationships. Some women may find it easier to establish emotional bonds with men who are already in relationships due to the perceived safety and distance offered by such a situation.
In these cases, the emotional connection can occur without the pressures of a full-fledged commitment. The man may be more open, vulnerable, and willing to share emotions, as he knows that the relationship is already defined. This emotional availability can create a deep sense of intimacy, which some women find irresistible.
Bottom Line
The attraction some women feel towards men with girlfriends is a complex phenomenon that can be attributed to various psychological factors. The allure of a challenge, the appeal of emotional availability, the notion of being preselected, the “forbidden fruit” effect, and the potential for emotional connection all play roles in shaping this intriguing dynamic.
However, it is essential to remember that human behavior is multifaceted, and not all women are drawn to men in relationships. Individual differences, personal experiences, and cultural influences also play significant roles in shaping relationship preferences.
As researchers continue to explore the depths of human psychology, we may gain a deeper understanding of the intricacies of attraction and relationship dynamics. Until then, the phenomenon of women being attracted to men with girlfriends remains an intriguing and captivating topic in the field of psychology.
For therapy to be effective, a patient and their therapist must establish a good level of comfort, trust, and understanding that therapy requires both parties to actively participate.
What is the therapeutic alliance in mental health nursing?
The therapeutic alliance is the relationship between patient and therapist. Establishing a relationship based on trust and mutual understanding is important in making a patient comfortable and willing to be honest about their feelings and the nature of the issues they are experiencing.
Both patient and therapist must be willing to put effort into the relationship. This means that therapists need to empathize with their clients whenever possible to build trust while the patient must be willing to consider and often follow the advice of the therapist.
Open and honest communication is a must.
A therapist must be willing to listen to all concerns and issues that a patient is experiencing which might provide insight that can help them form realistic solutions and coping strategies.
When a patient trusts their therapist they tend to be more open with communicating their concerns, thoughts, desires, and mindset. If a therapist thinks that a patient is holding back, then they must consider why the patient is so hesitant to open up and try to find a way to encourage more openness.
Keys elements of a great therapeutic alliance
A positive environment for listening and understanding
It is important for therapists to ensure that clients experience a nonjudgmental approach to therapy. A good therapist must set aside some of their own judgments in order to do this. Empathizing with at least some aspects of a client’s emotions and situation is important to building trust. Feedback and advice must acknowledge a client’s personal feelings and emotions.
Clear goals that are agreed upon by both patient and therapist
Within the first few appointments, it is important that the patient and therapist define the main goals of therapy. When there are clearly defined goals, session time is used more effectively. Honing in on the most prominent problems and evaluating a client’s main concerns may take more time for some than others. It is also important to remember that new issues may be discovered as a client begins to feel comfortable and open up about what they are experiencing, and it may take a few sessions to establish this level of comfort and trust.
Therapy goals should be realistic
Healing and overcoming mental health issues can take a significant amount of time in some cases. In the case of a patient with a chronic issue, therapy might be something that the patient uses as a coping mechanism throughout their life. For example, someone with a mental health disorder caused by a chemical imbalance that cannot be cured may require therapy regularly.
Regardless of the condition or severity of the mental illness, clearly defined and realistic goals are critical. Meeting goals is encouraging for patients, but they must be achievable. If goals are set that are far too difficult to achieve in a specific time period or are simply not realistic on any given timeline, it can be a recipe for disappointment. Not meeting goals can lead to patients abandoning therapy entirely, and as you can imagine, this can have dire consequences.
Mutual responsibility
Therapists need to provide patients with the tools and support they need to be empowered toward healing and take charge of their mental health. When patients feel some measure of control over their mental health then they will try harder to meet goals.
The client must take responsibility for their own treatment. A therapist is there to guide and support a patient, but if a patient does not participate in treatment, then it won’t be successful.
Types of therapeutic alliances
This type of alliance requires the therapist to provide a lot of advice and directions for the patient to follow.
In some cases, a patient may benefit from or request that therapy is not micro-focused on a specific issue from the start. Sessions may mostly be a patient talking about what they need to do on that specific day. This is common for patients that are experiencing a lot of stress or anxiety or just trying to figure out what the root causes driving them to seek help are.
Therapy that explores feelings and emotions to help a client grow on a personal level is facilitative. This therapy is common for patients that are trying to improve their emotional well-being but that otherwise have good mental health.
Everyone needs someone to listen to them sometimes. Supportive therapy involves therapists offering strong emotional support and offering advice to help patients heal from trauma or life-changing events.
When therapists give patients assignments and tasks to help them achieve goals then they are taking a task-oriented approach. A good example of this would be couples therapy, where a therapist might give a couple of activities to work through together.
The demand for therapists is high
There is a growing demand for mental health services that is not going away anytime in the near future. Current and future mental health professionals must understand the need to strengthen the therapeutic alliance they have with those in their care. Because of this demand, therapists can expect good wages and job security.
Online DNP PMHNP programs are a great educational option for those looking to become mental health professionals. Baylor University offers an excellent accredited online program in psychiatric mental health nursing that is great for registered nurses looking to advance their careers or enter a specialization. The course explores clinical, conceptual, and theoretical mental health treatment models and prepares students with the skills needed to implement these in practice.
The online program requires only one year of experience practicing as a professional nurse. This allows motivated nurses to advance their careers much sooner than many other programs available.
Trust and setting realistic goals for therapy are important to the therapeutic alliance. By building a stronger bond with clients, therapists can deliver a higher level of care and empower patients to take personal control of their mental health throughout their lives.
A good therapeutic alliance ensures that patients will continue to attend the therapy sessions they need rather than abandoning them before they make any progress. By setting realistic expectations with a patient early on, a therapist can improve a client’s mental health faster and more effectively.
Dreams are a natural and often perplexing part of the human experience. They are vivid, unpredictable, and can leave a lasting impact on our minds long after we wake up. One of the most remarkable aspects of dreams is that they often feel incredibly real, even though they are products of our own imagination.
Why do Dreams Feel So Real?
We have interviewed several dream and sleep experts and noted down the reasons why dreams feel so real and the scientific theories that attempt to explain this phenomenon.
1. Brains Are Incredibly Active During Sleep
One of the main reasons why dreams feel so real is that our brains are incredibly active during sleep. While we are sleeping, our brains are still working to process information, consolidate memories, and perform various other functions.
In fact, some studies suggest that the brain is even more active during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, which is when most vivid dreams occur. During this stage of sleep, the brain is actively processing visual, auditory, and sensory information, which can create a vivid and immersive dream experience.
2. Our Brain Taps Into Emotion and Memories
Another reason why dreams feel so real is that they often tap into our emotions and memories. Dreams can be triggered by events, thoughts, and emotions that we experienced throughout the day, as well as deeper-seated memories and emotions from our past.
When we dream, our brains are able to create a virtual reality that taps into these emotions and memories, which can make the dream feel incredibly real and emotionally charged.
3. Time Distortion in Dream
The way in which we perceive time during dreams can also contribute to the feeling of reality. In many dreams, time can seem to move at a different pace than it does in waking life.
For example, a dream that seems to last for hours may only take a few minutes in real time. This distortion of time can create a sense of realism in the dream, as the dreamer feels as though they have experienced a long and detailed event.
4. Engage All Our Senses
Furthermore, dreams can feel real because they often engage all of our senses, including touch, taste, and smell. Our brains are capable of simulating these sensory experiences, which can create a fully immersive dream world that feels just as real as the waking world.
This ability to engage all of our senses is why dreams can sometimes be mistaken for real experiences, even though they are entirely fabricated by our own minds.
Scientific Theory
There are also several scientific theories that attempt to explain why dreams feel so real:
Activation Synthesis Theory
One of these theories is the activation-synthesis theory, which suggests that dreams are a result of the brain’s attempt to make sense of random neural activity during sleep. According to this theory, the brain receives sensory input during sleep but is unable to create a coherent story or narrative from this input. Instead, the brain creates a dream that attempts to make sense of this random activity by creating a narrative that is based on our memories, emotions, and experiences.

Activation Synthesis Theory is a psychological theory that attempts to explain the origin and purpose of dreaming. This theory was proposed by psychiatrists J. Allan Hobson and Robert McCarley in the late 1970s.
According to the theory, during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, the brain receives random sensory input but is unable to create a coherent story or narrative from this input. Instead, the brain creates a dream that attempts to make sense of this random activity by creating a narrative that is based on our memories, emotions, and experiences.
The theory proposes that the brainstem is responsible for generating the random neural activity that gives rise to dreams. This activity is then transmitted to the cerebral cortex, which is responsible for generating the conscious experience of the dream. The cerebral cortex then attempts to make sense of this activity by constructing a narrative that incorporates elements of our memories, emotions, and experiences.
One of the key ideas of the Activation Synthesis Theory is that dreams are essentially meaningless. The theory suggests that dreams are not reflections of our unconscious desires or repressed emotions, but rather they are simply a byproduct of the brain’s attempt to make sense of random neural activity during sleep.
Critics of the Activation Synthesis Theory argue that it does not fully explain the purpose or function of dreaming. They suggest that dreams may serve a more important function, such as consolidating memories, problem-solving, or emotional regulation.
Threat Simulation Theory
Another theory is the threat simulation theory, which suggests that dreams are a way for the brain to simulate threatening situations in order to prepare us for real-life danger. According to this theory, dreams serve as a kind of training ground for our brains, allowing us to rehearse responses to dangerous situations without actually putting ourselves in harm’s way. This theory helps to explain why many dreams are focused on danger, conflict, and survival.
This theory was first proposed by evolutionary psychologists Antti Revonsuo and Katja Valli in the late 1990s. According to the theory, dreaming serves as a kind of virtual reality that allows us to practice and rehearse responses to dangerous situations without actually putting ourselves in harm’s way. Dreams are thought to help us prepare for potential threats and dangers by allowing us to explore different scenarios and possible responses.
The Threat Simulation Theory suggests that dreams are more likely to be focused on threatening or dangerous situations, such as being chased by a predator or falling from a great height. These kinds of dreams are thought to be particularly helpful for preparing us to deal with potential dangers in waking life.
The theory proposes that the brain is able to simulate threatening situations by drawing on past experiences, memories, and emotions. This simulation is thought to be more effective during REM sleep, which is when most vivid dreams occur. During REM sleep, the brain is able to generate intense emotional experiences that can help to reinforce the memory of these simulated threats.
What is The Difference Between Lucid Dreams and Vivid Dreams?
The primary distinction between lucid dreams and vivid dreams lies in the dreamer’s awareness. In lucid dreams, the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming and may have some control over the dream, while in vivid dreams, the dreamer experiences highly detailed and realistic dream scenarios without realizing they are dreaming. Both types of dreams can be captivating and unforgettable, offering unique insights into the complexity of the human mind and the vastness of the dream world.
Bottom Line
Dreams feel so real because they engage all of our senses, tap into our emotions and memories, and are processed by an incredibly active brain. The feeling of realism in dreams is a result of our brain’s ability to create a virtual reality that is based on our experiences and emotions.
While there are many theories that attempt to explain why dreams feel so real, the true nature of this phenomenon remains largely unknown. Despite this mystery, the vivid and immersive experience of dreaming remains a fascinating and integral part of the human experience.
Colors have long been associated with gender in various cultures around the world. In Western societies, for example, it is common to associate the color pink with femininity and the color blue with masculinity.
This association has been so prevalent that it has become a societal norm, and many people expect to see certain colors associated with certain genders. However, the origins of this association are not as straightforward as one might think, and there are a number of factors that have contributed to it.
When Was The Color First Started Being Associated With Gender?
One of the earliest recorded examples of color being associated with gender can be found in ancient Rome. In Roman culture, the color purple was associated with power and nobility, and was therefore worn almost exclusively by men. This association with power and masculinity was so strong that the phrase “to be born in the purple” became a metaphor for being born into a noble or wealthy family.
The association of pink with femininity and blue with masculinity can be traced back to the early 20th century. Prior to the 1940s, it was actually quite common for boys to be dressed in pink and girls to be dressed in blue.
This was because pink was seen as a stronger, more vibrant color, while blue was seen as softer and more calming.
However, this changed in the 1940s when advertisers and manufacturers began using color to target specific genders in their marketing campaigns. For example, a company might use the color pink in their advertisements for girls’ toys, while using the color blue in their advertisements for boys’ toys.
This practice became so widespread that it eventually became a societal norm, and today the association of pink with femininity and blue with masculinity is deeply ingrained in many cultures around the world.
Color and Gender Association
There are a number of theories as to why these particular colors came to be associated with specific genders. Some people believe that the association of pink with femininity and blue with masculinity is simply a result of societal conditioning and marketing. Others believe that there are biological or psychological reasons for these associations.
One theory is that the association of pink with femininity and blue with masculinity is based on traditional gender roles. For example, in many cultures, women are expected to be nurturing and caring, while men are expected to be strong and protective. These traditional gender roles may have contributed to the association of pink with femininity and blue with masculinity, as pink is often seen as a softer, more nurturing color, while blue is seen as a stronger, more protective color.
Psychological Effects of Colors
Another theory is that the association of pink with femininity and blue with masculinity may be based on the physiological effects that these colors have on the human body.
Some studies have shown that pink can have a calming effect on people, while blue can have a stimulating effect. This may have contributed to the association of pink with femininity, as women are often expected to be more nurturing and caring, and blue with masculinity, as men are often expected to be more active and assertive.

Masculinity and Femininity
There are also cultural and historical factors that have contributed to the association of pink with femininity and blue with masculinity. For example, in many Eastern cultures, the color pink is associated with luck and good fortune, and is therefore often associated with femininity. In contrast, the color blue is often associated with the sky and the sea, and is therefore often associated with masculinity.
Despite the longstanding association of pink with femininity and blue with masculinity, there has been a push in recent years to challenge these gender norms and break down the barriers that have been erected between these colors. Many people believe that it is important for individuals to be able to express themselves and their identities in any way they see fit, regardless of societal expectations or norms. As a result, there has been a growing movement to promote gender-neutral clothing and toys, and to allow people to choose according to their personal interest.
Gender Neutral Colors
The concept of gender-neutral colors refers to colors that are not associated with a particular gender and can be worn or used by anyone. Some examples of gender-neutral colors include black, white, gray, and brown. These colors are often considered neutral because they do not have strong connotations or associations with a particular gender, and can therefore be worn or used by anyone without being seen as overly masculine or feminine.
Other colors that are often considered gender-neutral include green, purple, and yellow. These colors are not as strongly associated with a particular gender as pink and blue, and can therefore be worn or used by anyone without being seen as overly gendered.
It is important to note that the concept of gender-neutral colors is subjective, and what one person considers to be a gender-neutral color may not be seen as such by someone else. Ultimately, the choice of what colors are considered gender-neutral will depend on an individual’s personal beliefs and experiences, as well as cultural and societal norms.
Workplace romance refers to romantic or sexual relationships that occur between employees within a professional setting. These relationships can take many forms, ranging from fleeting attractions to long-term commitments, and can involve coworkers at any level of an organization.
While office romance is a common occurrence, it can also be a source of tension and controversy. Some people believe that workplace is inappropriate for a relationship and can lead to conflicts of interest or favoritism, while others see it as a natural part of human interactions and believe that it can even enhance productivity and morale.
More Cohesive and Supportive Environment
One of the main advantages of workplace romance is that it can bring people together and create a more cohesive and supportive work environment. When coworkers form romantic relationships, they often become closer and more supportive of one another, which can lead to increased collaboration and teamwork. In some cases, workplace romance can even lead to the formation of long-lasting friendships that extend beyond the professional setting.
However, workplace romance can also present a number of challenges and potential downsides. For example, if the relationship ends poorly or one person is not interested in the other, it can create tension and awkwardness in the workplace. This can lead to reduced productivity and morale, as well as discomfort for those involved and their coworkers.
The Power Dynamic
Additionally, workplace romance can raise concerns about conflicts of interest and favoritism. If one person in a relationship holds a position of power over the other, it could be perceived as unfair or unethical. This can create resentment among coworkers and may lead to accusations of unfair treatment or discrimination.
It’s important to consider any power imbalances that may exist in the relationship, especially if one person is in a position of authority over the other. This can lead to concerns about consent and could potentially create a hostile work environment.
Potential Sexual Harassment
There are also legal issues to consider when it comes to workplace romance. In some cases, workplace romance can be considered sexual harassment if one person is not interested in the relationship or if the relationship creates a hostile work environment for others. Employers have a responsibility to prevent and address sexual harassment in the workplace, and workplace romance can present a particular challenge in this regard.
Given the potential risks and benefits of workplace romance, many companies have implemented policies and guidelines to address this issue. Some companies have a complete ban on workplace romance, while others have more lenient policies that allow for such relationships as long as they do not create conflicts of interest or disrupt the work environment.
Your Professional Goals
An office romance can potentially impact your career goals and advancement opportunities. It’s important to consider whether a relationship might interfere with your ability to do your job effectively or achieve your professional goals.
The company culture: Some companies may have a more relaxed attitude towards office romances, while others may have strict policies against them. It’s important to understand your company’s stance on the issue before starting a relationship with a coworker.
Approaching a Colleague in The Workplace
Approaching a colleague in the workplace can be a delicate matter, especially if you are interested in pursuing a romantic relationship. Here are a few tips to consider if you want to approach a colleague in the workplace:
1. Be Aware of Any Company Policies or Guidelines
Before you make any moves, it is important to familiarize yourself with your company’s policies on workplace relationships. Some companies have strict policies against workplace romance, while others have more lenient guidelines. Knowing the rules can help you avoid any potential conflicts or legal issues.
2. Keep It Professional
Even if you are interested in a romantic relationship, it is important to maintain a professional demeanor when interacting with your colleague. Avoid flirting or making inappropriate comments, and be respectful of their boundaries and personal space.
3. Consider Timing and Location
When and where you approach your colleague can make a big difference. Avoid making any overtures during work hours or in front of other coworkers. Instead, consider asking your colleague out for coffee or lunch outside of work hours, or sending a message after hours.
4. Be Honest and Upfront
If you are interested in a romantic relationship with your colleague, it is important to be honest and straightforward about your intentions. Avoid being too subtle or coy, as this could lead to misunderstandings or confusion. Be respectful of your colleague’s feelings and be prepared for the possibility that they may not be interested in a romantic relationship with you.
5. Respect Their Decision
If your colleague is not interested in a romantic relationship, it is important to respect their decision and move on. Do not pursue them or try to change their mind, as this could lead to uncomfortable or even hostile situations. Instead, focus on maintaining a professional and respectful relationship with your colleague.
Approaching a colleague in the workplace can be a challenging but rewarding experience. By following these tips and being mindful of company policies, timing, and the feelings of your colleague, you can navigate this situation with grace and respect.
Bottom Line
In conclusion, workplace romance is a complex and multifaceted issue that can have both positive and negative impacts on an organization. While it can bring people together and create a more supportive work environment, it can also present challenges and potential risks. Employers should carefully consider the potential impacts of workplace romance and develop policies and guidelines that address this issue in a fair and balanced manner.
It’s important to carefully consider the potential consequences and implications of an office romance before embarking on one. While office romances can certainly be fulfilling and enjoyable, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks and to handle the situation with sensitivity and professionalism.